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Colugo Pride: Meet the Sterling-Little Family

Colugo Pride: Meet the Sterling-Little Family

The Sterling-Little family is a proud LGBTQI family living in Brooklyn, New York. We partnered with Sara Lynn, Therese and Henrietta to launch our Pride Stroller and we wanted to share a little bit more about who they are.
100% of profits from the sales of this stroller will be donated to an organization with a mission that we wholeheartedly believe in, the Family Equality Council.

  1. Can you tell us a bit about your work and your family?

The three of us live in a cozy apartment in Brooklyn’s Clinton Hill neighborhood. We’ve been here for ten years, and welcomed Henrietta last August on the happiest day of our lives. Sara Lynn is a Physician Assistant at Mount Sinai’s rhinology division and Therese is a Martech sales executive. We are art enthusiasts; Sara Lynn enjoys film photography and Therese watercolor painting. We take advantage of New York’s fabulous parks and cultural institutions as often as possible. Henrietta is a highly amenable baby — accompanying us on social outings, out to eat, and even an occasional airplane trip across the country.

2. If you had a dream explore-filled Saturday, how would it go?

First we would sleep in (you said it was a dream!) then have a leisurely brunch in Brooklyn, stroll across the bridge in the sunshine, make our way to the Whitney to feast our eyes, grab a food truck lunch, then take the train back to Brooklyn to catch some music in Prospect Park where the whole family could dance and laugh with friends and family. Stroller naps would be plentiful, as would snacks and smiles.

3. Were there specific fears you had when it came to being parents?

Fears might be a strong word, but we had some anxiety. Lots of tactical things around protecting Henrietta, keeping her safe and protected from germs, while sleeping and developing well. But bigger picture we think about how we can provide the best life possible for her, ensure she always feels safe and secure but also stimulated and incredibly loved.

4. How has your family and community been when it comes to raising Henrietta?

Our family and community has been truly amazing. And we are very grateful for that. It’s not lost on us that in a different time or with a different family, we would not have been supported in this way at all. No one seems to bat an eye at Henrietta having us as her parents. All of our parents adore and spoil Henrietta. Therese’s 90 year old grandfather has her photos hanging all around his apartment. Our friends indulge our need to constantly talk about her and share her photos. We get advice and suggestions when we need it, and a whole lot of help in making Henrietta feel so very loved.

5. What are some things you wish you knew before becoming parents?

That everything is temporary. The really hard days are evened out by the overwhelming joy. That it’s ok if she misses a nap or has a tough week or a virus, babies are incredibly resilient. That you can read every book and research endlessly but what babies really need is love. We did not know how incredible it would feel to be parents, how our hearts would grow ten times their size and our capacity for empathy would increase exponentially. That’s been a really wonderful surprise!

6. Lastly, how do you feel about Pride this year as a family?

So good. Pride has taken on new meaning. We have been in love for over a decade and are so grateful to be open, honest, and authentic in that love. But being able to share our daughter with the world and be treated as any other family, has driven home for us how far we have come as a society and how important that is. We are so proud of Henrietta and to be an LGBTQI family. Love is love, and love is everything.

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