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I’m joining Colugo as Chief Parent Officer because parents are our North Star

I’m joining Colugo as Chief Parent Officer because parents are our North Star

When I tell people that I’m Colugo’s Chief Parent Officer, I get some questions about what that means, exactly. While I understand the confusion (I wish the Chief Parent Officer role was standard at any brand that serves parents, but it’s not), I can also clear it up pretty quickly: The decision to bring me on is simply the next step in carrying out Colugo’s mission to give parents the confidence they need to take on the adventure of parenthood. I’m here so we can hear from more of you more quickly and build an even stronger community.

Parents have been Colugo’s North Star from the start. I know this because I’ve actually been a part of Colugo since before it was called “Colugo.” My husband, Ted, founded Colugo based on our experience buying baby products for our twins, which left us feeling overwhelmed and uncertain.

Colugo changed this experience by designing products that give parents confidence. We’ve built a supportive community and held events to bring parents together because we know it’s easier to feel confident when you feel connected. And, we’re just getting started.

As we approach Colugo’s first anniversary, I’m excited to get to know you. I’m a mom to 3 kids under 4 so I understand that there is never enough time in the day. I’m ready to engage with you however works best — a quick 1:1 chat, text exchange, focus group, or longer conversation at an event that covers both product development and tips on how to take a road trip with kids (pack more snacks than you think they could possibly eat, then pack more).

I’m also excited about creating ways for you to connect with each other. Almost 4 years into parenting, I’ve made both real-life and online connections with parents who keep me sane and give me confidence. As Chief Parent Officer, I’m dedicated to helping you to do the same.

I’ll be in touch soon. In the meantime, please email me any time at And, remember: You got this!


Chief Parent Officer & General Counsel

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