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Today We Tried: Lainey Hayes

Today We Tried: Lainey Hayes

One of my favorite parts of motherhood is introducing new things to my kids and watching them meet their milestones. Recently, that looked like introducing solids at 6 months to our infant! It’s so exciting to see how they’re growing, advancing, and hitting these milestones.

HOWEVER, when a very intuitive toddler is involved, things don’t always go as planned. We introduced solids to Dallas at 6 months. Sometimes we feed her and other times, we allow her to grab and feed herself; you know, to help with her motor skills and hand-eye coordination, right? Sometimes, when she isn’t able to grab it herself, Dylan (who’s three and a half), the oh so helpful big sister, decides she wants to help. That’s fine when we’re monitoring obviously, but not so helpful when we aren’t monitoring!

She loves to help so much that she asked to feed the dog with her dad. He let her scoop and dump the food in the dog bowl and they left it at that. He went to the bathroom and while he was gone Dylan thought it would be a good idea to feed her sister too!! We came back to Dallas just chewing happily on dog food pebbles, while Dylan was in her room watching TV as if nothing was wrong! Imagine the panic my husband was in when he saw that!

We explained to her how dangerous that was and let her know that she is NOT to feed the baby unsupervised ever again. Real food, nor dog food! We think she understood because she hasn’t fed her again, BUT, we still keep a close eye.

There was a lesson for everyone in this. For us as parents: don’t leave her alone with the baby and dog food, make sure your toddler knows dog food is ONLY for the dog, and introducing solids doesn’t mean ALL solids. (lol).

Follow Lainey at @herstorymuvas 

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