Over the past three years, feeding my babies has been a huge point of #momguilt.
With Oliver, I had been so prepared for so many other aspects of his arrival and had just expected that breastfeeding would magically just click for us. It did not. Between PPD, an identity crisis, and feeling completely lost on how to feed my baby. Shortly after his arrival, I opted to formula feed. I know in my heart that it was the best decision for me, and Ollie has thrived. But I carried this weight on my shoulders for three years that I hadn’t tried hard enough, I should have given more of myself.
Feeding Sully has been a completely different experience. We are seven months strong in our breastfeeding journey. It has been a truly special experience and I have a new level of amazement for the strength of mothers. It has also been a bumpy road filled with clogged ducts and mastitis.
Both of my experiences have brought me peace in my decisions on how to feed my babies. Both relationships have been filled with love and cuddles, and the differences in how I feed them have not changed this.
So for whoever needs to hear this. I respect however you decide to feed your baby. Fed is best.