Week of 5.23.2022

Week of 5.23.2022

We’re outraged and heartbroken over the murder of 19 children and 2 teachers in Uvalde, TX. To channel our rage into action, we’ve donated to Everytown and Sandyhook Promise.

Katie Couric is sharing a photo and some heartbreaking stories about each victim on her Instagram. Latinx Parenting shared pictures of the Uvalde and Buffalo victims as well. It is imperative that we don’t look away - we must fight for meaningful restrictions on access to guns.

What we are telling our children today

What we’re re-reading.

And, this from Katherine Goldstein, journalist and host of one of our favorite (now retired) podcasts The Double Shift: “To say this is the last straw doesn’t feel right. I ran out of straws a long time ago.” (We recommend signing up for her newsletter here).

That’s all we have for this week. We are holding our children extra close and sending love as we all try to keep moving forward in a world that can feel impossible.

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