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Today We Tried the Fourth Trimester: Episode 2

Today We Tried the Fourth Trimester: Episode 2

This week on the podcast, Christy gives us a peek into the early days of her 4th trimester. With 4 kids, a business to run, and an impending move, Christy captures the ups and downs - which often happen within the same hour - through audio diaries and recordings she made when she was in the thick of it. 

This episode is a must-listen for expecting parents and parents who are in the 4th trimester. The early days, and especially the early nights, can feel endless and isolating. There’s so much to do and so many decisions to make. Our hope is that this episode will help new parents to feel seen and connected. And, that it will help to show that even in a hard season, there are times of joy that are so sustaining and wonderful. We talk about the good (the cuteness of a baby sneeze), the bad (sleep deprivation and anxiety), and the funny (so many blow-outs!).

Christy also reflects on what she’s learned having now gone through the 4th trimester 3 times. We hope her advice will help parents who are going through it for the first time to gain some of the perspective and confidence that comes from experience. For example, whenever Christy’s twins (her first babies) started to cry, she was convinced that this would be the time they would never stop. Now, on baby #4, she’s able to stay calm and rock the baby, knowing that this is just a season and won’t last forever.

There’s so much packed into these early days so we couldn’t cover everything in just one episode. Stay tuned for more on two big topics that we just touched on here: healing postpartum and feeding the baby. We’d also love to hear what’s resonating with you, your questions, and ideas for guests for Season 3 when we’ll be talking to parents and experts about the 4th trimester. Email Christy at

Listen to episode 2 and subscribe to Today We Tried here.
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